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How to Get Rid of Black Elbows Fast

Dark elbows and knees are the results of the skin in that area becoming hyperpigmented. This can be triggered by dead skin cell accumulation, as well as sun-exposure induced hyperpigmentation. Too much use of hormonal medicines or birth control pills is also a factor, sometimes.

Finally, age spots, skin conditions such as eczema and inflammation due to injury can also be the culprits. So, how do you avert this darkening of the skin? Read on to know more about how to lighten dark elbows and knees.

How to Get Rid of Black Knees Using Home Remedies

    1. Aloe Vera
    2. Baking Soda
    3. Citrus Fruits
    4. Oatmeal and Yogurt
    5. Turmeric
    6. More

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera for hair

Research shows aloe vera can lighten the skin due to a process called alpha-adrenergic receptor stimulation. This occurs when products are applied to the surface. Study gels or creams or even topical lotions with aloe vera. Choose a product that suits you and use it twice a day.

You can buy Aloe Vera gel online

2. Baking Soda

Another excellent remedy for dark knees and elbows is baking soda. It exfoliates the skin and treats dark elbows. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a bowl of water. Then, rub this mixture onto the darkened areas and leave on for some time (around 10 to 15 minutes) and then rinse off. Repeat this procedure two times per week.

3. Citrus Fruits

Oral supplements like citrus fruit extracts can also circumvent dark patches caused by sun or ultraviolet radiation exposure. Reap the benefits of this fact, by using citrus fruits(1) for a beauty treatment for your dark knees and elbows. Just squeeze the juice from the lemon or any other citrus fruit into a cup. Take a swab of cotton or wash slot and apply this juice, letting it dry before washing it off.

[Read:Treat Dark Circles Naturally]

4. Oatmeal and Yogurt

Oatmeal, as well as yogurt, possess soothing qualities, besides adding additional moisture to the dry skin. Much like baking soda, this works as a mask, too. Combining equal parts of yogurt and oatmeal, rub the mixture onto darker areas. Leave it on for twenty minutes, before washing it off.

5. Turmeric

turmeric benefits

This ingredient derives from the root of the turmeric plant. It is known to be a natural antiseptic and cure for dryness or inflammation of the skin. As such, turmeric(2) can also be used to combat hyperpigmentation.

Mix some turmeric powder in water and apply this to the elbows. Leave it on for close to ten minutes, till it hardens and then, wash it off. Accumulation of dead skin cells, excessive exposure to the sun, friction or hormonal imbalance is a cause of dark knees and elbows. Turmeric can combat all of these.

[Read:Remedies for Dark Skin on Neck]

6. Cucumber

Due to bleaching and whitening properties, cucumber is another great way to remove the darkness of the skin on your elbows or knees. Remove dead skin cells, besides moisturizing your skin. Use cucumber with vitamin C and A to keep your skin radiant and glowing.

Here's how you can accomplish this. Gently rub the cucumber slices over the knees and elbows for 15 minutes. Leave it on for five minutes before rinsing it off with regular water.

Another excellent remedy is mixing lemon juice with cucumber juice. Apply this on your knees and elbows, leaving it on for twenty minutes before rinsing it off. Carry this out on an everyday basis.

7. Lemon and Baking Soda

Another excellent skin lightening ingredient, lemon is packed with vitamin C, and other antioxidants that better the complexion of the skin, and promote skin healing. Besides this, baking soda works like an effective and gentle cleanser for whitening dark skin areas.

Cut a lemon into two halves. Put one tablespoon of baking soda on to the lemon. Rub the knees and elbows for one minute with this paste. Let it dry for fifteen minutes, before seeking to rinse it off with water. Repeat this thrice a week for beneficial results.

[Read:Natural Ways for Even Skin Tone]

8. Aloe Vera and Milk

As we already know, aloe vera moisturizes the skin and improves uneven skin tone. It has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Combining aloe vera and milk is a useful and simple way to lighten the skin naturally. Mix equal parts of gel from the leaf of the aloe vera plant and milk. Apply this mixture onto the surface. Leave it on and wash it off the next day, during the morning.

9. Potato


This vegetable is rich in catecholase enzymes, which bleach your skin naturally. Everyday usage of potato softens the skin and removes the darkness of the knees and elbows. Grating the potato, squeeze the juice out and apply this onto the surface. Leave it on for fifteen minutes and then rinse it with water.

Then, use moisturizer. You can also cut a potato into two halves and rub the knees and elbows with these, before washing off the dried juice with water.

10. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil comes jampacked with fatty acids and vitamin E, which heals the skin and lightens it. After every bath or shower, apply coconut oil to the impacted area. Massage this for 2-3 minutes and ensure the oil is absorbed into the skin. You can even add one-half teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to a teaspoon of coconut oil and massage your knees and elbows using this.

You can buy Fractioned Coconut Oil online

11. Honey

honey benefits

Honey(3) naturally moisturizes the skin. It combines with lemon and baking soda in this simple, but an effective home remedy. For this practical remedy, mix two tablespoons of honey, with half a lemon's juice and one teaspoon baking soda. Apply this onto the darkened area and let it dry for thirty minutes. Then, wash off this pack and revel in soft, even-toned skin.

Honey also works well with aloe vera and milk. Combine a single tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of juice for this remedy. Apply the mixture after adding aloe vera gel to it. Leave this paste on for close to10-15 minutes, till it dries and then rinses it off with water.

[Read:Honey for Fresh Face]

 12. Sugar and Olive Oil

Homemade scrubs can be made from olive oil and sugar. These remedies hydrate and nourish the skin, removing dead cells. Combine olive oil and sugar in equal parts and make a paste. You can also use powdered sugar for better consistency. Apply the paste onto your elbows and knees, let it dry, and then wash it off. Repeat this every week.

13. Vinegar and Yogurt

The lactic acid in yogurt and acetic acid in vinegar can clean the dead skin cells off your knees and elbows. Use this remedy to get glowing skin.

Mix one tablespoon of yogurt and another tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Apply this mixture onto the surface. Let it dry for 10 minutes before just starting to wash it off with warm water. Repeat this thrice or four times per week.

Another way out is to lighten the skin using apple cider vinegar and water. Apply this onto the elbows and knees with cotton swabs. Let it dry for ten minutes before rinsing it off using regular water.

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14. Long Term Skin Care

Some essential precautions and steps you need to take, to lighten dark elbows and knees, include cleansing regularly and moisturizing these areas of your skin. Make sure you wash elbows daily and use a moisturizer.

Try adding coconut oil or aloe vera to the moisturizer for better results. Products rich in vitamin B3, ellagic acid, or soy can also lighten the skin, according to the US Academy Of Dermatology.

Besides moisturizing your elbows and knees, make sure you exfoliate these areas, as well. Use sugar scrubs or exfoliating body washes for added benefits. Rub the products onto your elbow or knee in circular motion always.

Apply sunblock on your elbows and knees to prevent them from tanning. Use sunscreens with Sun Protection Factor of 30 or higher. Sunscreen protects the skin from further tanning as well.

So, these tips and home-made remedies can prove useful, if you're plagued with dark knees or elbows. Use these strategies to lighten your skin and make sure you have an even skin tone from tip to head. Beauty requires effort.

While your skin may have natural radiance, it takes effort to keep it looking that way in the face of pollution or sun exposure, or even injuries. Make sure you use these strategic solutions and get rid of those black knees and elbows.

How to Get Rid of Black Elbows Fast
